Useful Links

Here is a list of links to web sites of other organizations relevant to our own objectives. We accept no responsibility for the content of these sites.

Bat Conservation Trust. The only UK organisation solely devoted to the conservation of bats and their habitats.

Bromley Biodiversity  A Bromley council website from where you can download the detailed biodiversity plans for various ecological sites throughout the borough.

Bromley Council. The council’s  main home page for all their news and services.

Metropolitan Police: Bromley Town . Metropolitan Police in Bromley Town ward including our town centre parks. Telephone 01689 891212 or 101

Friends Forum of Bromley Parks & Green Spaces. Works in partnership with the London Borough of Bromley to create a better environment for all.

Kent Wildlife Trust. This organisation, part of the nationwide Wildlife Trust movement, promotes wildlife conservation and manages sites in Kent including some in our borough.

London Parks & Gardens Trust.  Aims to increase knowledge and appreciation of parks, squares, community gardens, cemeteries, churchyards – all those places that form London’s open space network. Also maintains an online Inventory of over 2,500 parks, gardens, squares, churchyards, cemeteries and other sites of historic interest across the whole of London.

London Wildlife Trust. This organisation, part of the nationwide Wildlife Trust movement, promotes wildlife conservation and manages sites in Greater London area, including some in our borough.

Plant Life This national organisation is concerned with the conservation and protection of the plant kingdom.

Quaggy Waterway Action Group (QWAG). This well established group continues to campaign for the improvement of the River Quaggy, and River Ravensbourne in Lewisham. Their Chinbrook Meadows is an inspiration.

Ravensbourne Valley Residents.  Bromley based voluntary group that aims “to preserve the best and improve the rest of the environment” – in this part of the Ravensbourne Valley. Previously known as the Ravensbourne Valley Preservation Society.

RSPB (Bromley) This group’s aim is to raise public awareness of birds and environment locally. They have monthly meetings and visits both locally and to wildlife reserves.

Shortlands Residents Association. Serving the local residents for over 80 years.

The Conservation Volunteers (TCV). This national organisation, started in 1959 and formerly known as BCTV, has a mission to create a more sustainable future by inspiring people and improving places.

Thames21. One of the country’s leading waterway charities. Work with communities across Greater London to improve our rivers, canals, ponds and lakes for people and wildlife.

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